Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Photoshop Self-Portrait

We are going to play with your face using Adobe Photoshop. In this assignment, you are going to learn about basic photo editing and maniulation techniques while creating a multi- image "Andy Warhol" like piece.

First we need a photo of you- we will take photos in class, of your can use your class photo.
We are going to learn about basic Photoshop Techniques:

  1. Basic tool bar functions.
  2. Sizing and cropping an image. 3 in x 3 in @ 300 dpi.
  3. How to adjust exposure- Image- Adjustments- Levels.
  4. Filters: Find Edges, Posterize, Cut Out, Brush Strokes, Artistic,
  5. Image- Adjustment techniques: Invert, Hue & Saturation, Posterize, Replace Colour
  6. and several combinations of the filters and adjustments.